In The Press

Saint Paul Pioneer Press/

Molly Guthrey did an in depth write up about the hierarchy of consumption and waste. She interviewed people who focus on various methods of disposal. Our refusal and reduction efforts were included aside Zero Waste Saint Paul, TARE market, and celebrated author Bea Johnson. Inspired by the things she learned on her journey writing this article, upon completion she signed herself up for a Master Recycler Program. And I'm sure her story will inspire others.

About Us

The Roof Over Our Own Heads

 We embrace a small footprint lifestyle. A humble living space is a more efficient way to sustainable living. Its less impact on the environment, to minimize the distracting clutter in our lives, as well as to keep our expenses and our waste down to a minimum. 

When forging our paths on a beautiful and finite planet, amidst an increasingly growing society, there lies the challenges any living thing confronts in the wild. Its easy to get lost in the woods.  A map, compass, and the knowledge to use them properly are the explorer's tools for this problem and our intention here is to help the community navigate these challenges through sharing what we've discovered, connecting, and learning from others. 

More than anything, denying the status quo of consumerism gives us the power to change our stars.  We believe that if we change how we model our lives. If we can resist keeping up with the Joneses, we'll change the world. You can help us change the world by contributing content and sharing with others.

betterjones' primary function

is to advocate for attainable and sustainable housing for all

CS was born and raised in the beautiful and now gentrified city of San Francisco and works for a non-profit housing organization that prevents those facing hardships from falling into homelessness.  JT has retooled in and out of global careers a handful of times since the recession and is now consulting Minnesota homeowners, business owners and operating this site. Collectively they’ve learned some tough lessons about housing and personal economy. And now, they're rethinking retirement. They're redesigning their entire lifestyle, advocating for others in order to mitigate these challenges in the future, and sharing every valuable tool they learn.



Founder and primary author.



Co-founder, rock, and inspiration; making everything we do real and possible.